What to Wear To Spring Wedding - My First Stitch Fix Review
Being a working mom is so hard some days. Gone are the days of spending hours and hours in the evenings coordinating the perfect outfit. I seriously cannot remember the last time I stepped into the mall either. Shopping online sometimes can be an even more daunting task. With hundreds of pages to browse through, I get really overwhelmed with all the section, brands and different sizing chart everyone seems to go by these days. I have known about Stitch Fix for a while and finally gave it a shot. With a spring wedding coming up, I wanted to find a floral, high quality outfit that was appropriate for the whole weekend of bridal party fun. I needed a casual day to night option as well as something to wear to the rehearsal dinner.
I turned this daunting task (with a short turnaround time) over to my Stitch Fix stylist. We started with completing my style profile. They made sure to get the fit right with a comprehensive series of question regarding my shape, comfort level with each flaunt or hide part. The exciting part, petite girls rejoice! Stitch fix embraces every shape and size with petite and plus options. We then got down to the nitty gritty. I told them how frequently I dress for work, special occasions, casual or date night. We even broke down the clothing categories I’d like to receive. For example, I rarely wear business outfits (I live in scrubs) so my stylist could focus on casual outfits aka what I lived in the most. I also rarely wear bracelets so we opted out of styling those pieces. The most interactive part was linking my social media and making a Pinterest board with my clothing inspirations. This whole process allowed me to target my unique wardrobe needs and the style I’d like to achieve instead of mindless shopping for items I didn’t need. I found the initial experience to be extremely intentional! Lord knows I do not need to buy another skirt (even on sale) with nothing to match on top!
The result, my first Stitch Fix box was EXACTLY what I needed! I had 2 outfits that are high quality, in the price range I was comfortable investing. I would have never thought to pick the floral flowing dress but it looked and felt AMAZING on me! I also received a pink floral jumpsuit in silk and cotton. The fabric is light and luxurious. My stylish rounded each out with a statement spring women round bag (yes everyone needs a round bag this season). I particularly loved the gold dainty dangling earrings from Kate Spade as well. I wore the pink jumpsuit to the rehearsal dinner. Can I just say, compliments galore! I felt confident and fashionable. I even loved the strappy nude sandals Stitch Fix send as well. If I were to rate my first box, it would be A and the fit would be A+!
For my next fix, I cannot wait to get a bit more casual. I’m going to send back some notes to my stylist and see what she comes up with next! Stay tuned for the month’s update!