3 Family Rituals to incorporate into Your Morning Routine for a Healthier Start β€” JOYFULLY GREEN


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3 Family Rituals to incorporate into Your Morning Routine for a Healthier Start

3 Family Rituals to incorporate into Your Morning Routine for a Healthier Start

Happy New Year friends! If you want to have a healthier, less hectic morning routine in 2020, I have just the blog post for you today! Transitioning into a mother of 2 is hard! I have learned in these last few weeks that kids thrive on routines. Why not make them intentional and positive? Especially in the mornings, we like to start the day being true to our minds, bodies plus add in a little fun. Here are 3 morning rituals for your family to try this year!

1. Mindfulness & meditation 

I love introducing this concept to my toddler. Setting your intentions for the day with a short, 3-5 minute meditation session helps her learn to listen to her body and emotions. We started very basic/easy with simple breathing exercises. Sit low to the ground or in a circle as a family and take long deep breaths together. You can breath on a pin wheel or a ribbon to see how our breath affects our surroundings. We also each say something we are grateful for. With a grateful heart, the day can be full!

2. Take Care of Our Bodies

We start each day with drinking a full glass of water. With this we take our daily vitamins and supplements. I have always believed that good health starts in your gut. That’s why we are mindful of what we put in our bodies. I recently discovered Goodbio and have been so impressed with their formulations. Goodbio makes premium probiotics specifically for women, men and even children using the highest quality ingredients, science backed formula and comes in an easily consumable format. Taking a probiotic every day can help us balance the good bacteria and bad bacteria in our gut. With a newborn and toddler, we also need all the help we can get in the immunity front. With just one tablet a day, GoodBio supports a healthy microbiome to help bring natural balance to our bodies, promotes digestive and immune health. I feel awesome and much more regular when I take GoodBio daily. My favorite part though is that Kai doesn’t fight me on taking it. Honestly, that’s a huge parent win when I find something my kiddo will love! The children's version of Goodbio comes in a chewable tablet, making it easy for even the pickiest kid. For more information on Goodbio, check out their website here. To purchase, just follow this link!

3. Morning Dance Party

Here is where the fun comes in! Do you ever feel like you have to help your kiddos get the wiggle out before school? After we are all ready for school, we spend 3-5 minutes dancing our little hearts out while jamming to Kai’s favorite songs. Most days she even pretends to sing in front of the mirror. It just gets everyone so pumped up and ready to start the day!

Hope you have enjoyed these morning rituals and will try them out with your family! 

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