4 ways to get the most out of your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes - Back to School Shopping Made Easy — JOYFULLY GREEN


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4 ways to get the most out of your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes - Back to School Shopping Made Easy

4 ways to get the most out of your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes - Back to School Shopping Made Easy

Thank you Stitch Fix Kids for sponsoring this post. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own.

I can hardly believe it’s going to be Kai’s second year of school in a week! This time, I am just as nervous and anxious but learned a few tricks last year that are helping us ease the transition. With her tonsil surgery coming up and last minute family trips, it seems like we have less and less time to get prepared for school. Luckily, Stitch Fix Kids is coming to my rescue and making sure I don’t ever need to set foot in brick and mortar store again for back to school shopping. I’ve been getting a monthly styled fix since last summer and have LOVED communicating with my stylist. It’s like having your own fashionable bff who knows your body, your taste and your needs. When Stitch Fix rolled out the kids version of their styling service, I signed Kai up last winter before her first ski trip. The pieces I got from her very first fix are still some of my favorites to date (Remember the rainbow jacket y’all loved so much, I HAD to get a size 16 kids version to twin with her?). 

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

This time around, back to school shopping was so easy after our stylist got to know her the last 9 months. Her stylist always thoughtfully lays out the outfits according to our climate and activities. There are outfit suggestions, pairing ideas and notes on why she chose them for Kai. The moment Kai opened her summer Fix, she immediately grabbed out the fun pink 2 piece and the swimsuit. In the back to school Fix, she couldn’t even wait to put the unicorn shoes on! And then, she saw the soft, cozy oversized pink sweater - oh boy, I haven’t been able to take it off of her for 2 days! As someone who LOVES to shop for their kids, our Stitch Fix Kids experience just enhances it. It’s like shopping from a selection that was picked just for us! Plus the cute stickers, coloring outlines of the box makes it just as exciting for Kai. It’s truly a fun family activity versus going to the mall in the heat of Houston. If you are thinking about signing your kiddo up, here are 4 ways to get the most out of your Stitch Fix Kids fixes!

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

1. Get your kiddo involved in the style quiz

I think what makes Stitch Fix Kids, women or men service so unique is their comprehensive quiz. Not only are we forced to take a good look at what we already have in the closet (see next tip), it gives us a good visual of what styles we like to wear. Kai helped picked her styles that she likes or dislikes. I think this really gets her involved and excited about the process and she is only 3. If you have a bigger kid, def do it together!

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

2. Take a good inventory of what fits.

If you are like me, you have a whole dresser full of “too small” things. Get those babies decluttered and out of the way! This way you truly know what you are lacking. Yes Kai had over 15 pairs of leggings all under 2T. 

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

3. Communication is key

I think the best way to get the best results with any Stitch Fix is to talk to your stylist. Communicate your needs, what you like. Give them a visual of your goal styles with a Pinterest board. Be vocal about colors you love and hate. For Kai we picked a lot of pinks and yellows and said absolutely no blacks (with as much as Atlas sheds, no one dares to wear black in our house). The stylist always sticks to her color requests. 

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

4. Make sure to update sizes! Especially shoes!

We all know how fast those little feet can grow! Make sure to remeasure your child’s foot every 4 months. I tend to side up and have her wear thick socks in the fall and winter. Stitch Fix is great at sending you sizing reminders as well.

I hope these tips help you and your little ones have a stress free start to their school season. I have LOVED every Fix and kept almost every piece each time. To get your styling fee waived for the first kid’s Fix, make sure to sign up using my link! Here to your kiddos new smarter, more efficient wardrobe!

4 ways to Get the Most out of Your Stitch Fix Kids Fixes. - Back to School Stitch Fix Kids Fashion Review

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