5 ways help sensitive baby skin - advice from every day moms — JOYFULLY GREEN


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5 ways help sensitive baby skin - advice from every day moms

5 ways help sensitive baby skin - advice from every day moms

Thank you, Ivory, for sponsoring this post. All thought and opinions are my own

Just as your baby’s immune system is delicate, so is their skin. I learned this the hard way with Bohdi’s skin. He broke out in a rash after a trip to the beach recently and I had no idea what was going on! Kai’s skin was so different. I don’t ever remember going through this guess work with her. When I shared this on stories, I was shocked how many of you had similar mystery rash experiences. With over 200 replies and DM with personal experiences, I think it’s safe to say, mamas, you are not alone!! Did you know that 45% of adults in the United States also report having sensitive skin? I started looking up ways to help Bodhi's skin and read up on all the tips and suggestions YOU sent in. I have rounded up the top 5 suggestions to help sensitive baby skin.

5 suggestions to help sensitive baby skin

1. Watch for Food Sensitivities - With Kai, we were lucky that she did not have any food sensitivities. But every child is different so with Bodhi, we will be noting what he is eating to see if there is any correlation with his rash and what he eats. Please speak with your pediatrician about introducing solids and possibly allergens. We were told to try only 1 food at a time and do so repeatedly for about a week. If any rash develops, you were told to stop immediately. One thing many of you wrote in about is egg. I had no idea how many foods, baked goods, coatings and such contained egg or egg parts. Of course, we are not doctors nor claim to give medical advice but this was one of the most common answers you sent in to watch for.

2. Switch to Sensitive Detergent - I am very careful of what we put in and on our bodies. Many of you wrote in suggesting a change in laundry detergent. Because the baby's skin is so fresh and sensitive, it can be easily irritated. I noticed Bodhi’s rash was at the areas most contacted with his onesies (around the neck and chest). Switching to a hypoallergenic detergent can help! I just discovered the new Ivory Gentle Aloe Scent Laundry Detergent designed for sensitive skin sold exclusively at Walmart. It’sIts hypoallergenic formula is free of dyes, phosphates, chlorines, brighteners, and enzymes which I know will irritate Bodhi's skin. It is not only hypoallergenic and free of icky ingredients, but it also works wonders! Those tough food, dirt and baby stains, gone without soaking! It leaves his whites and colors bright and clean. I love that it's safe for the whole family, so I don't have to purchase different detergents for everyone. Plus, it doesn’t break the bank either. With Walmart pick up, I ordered ahead and skipped the busy line too. Mom tip:  for those delicate handmade, hand wash items, just use 2 TBSP in a gallon of water.

3. Keep the Neck/Chest Area Dry with a Drool Bib - Bodhi had his rash right in his neck area. I had to lift up his baby chunk to see it. I forget how much babies drool when they're teething, and it is in full effect over here! Many of you suggested this for your baby’s drool rash make sure to take a towel to dry under his chin every hour throughout the day. He now wears a bib to help minimize the irritation from his saliva and his drool. Some suggested using a diaper cream under the chin area to help protect the skin. 

4.   Minimize Heat Exposure - Heat is synonymous with summers in Texas so we try to plan our outings early in the morning or the evenings when it is a bit cooler. Sweat usually tends to irritate the skin and makes it more susceptible to rashes. When going to the beach or lake, try to avoid the hottest times of the days and try to stay under the shade. We also added a stroller fan to help get the air circulating

5. Switch to Sensitive Body Wash and Lotions - Another great recommendation was to switch his body wash and lotions to sensitive ones. Be sure to watch for any reaction when switching to something new. Test a small area of the skin to take extra precautions. 

A special thank you for those who sent in suggestions and answered my poll. It was so super helpful! Have you experienced this before? Tell me here! Also, pick up the new Ivory Gentle Aloe Scent Laundry Detergent exclusively at Walmart!

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