Affordable Athleisure Round Up from DSG β€” JOYFULLY GREEN


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Affordable Athleisure Round Up from DSG

Affordable Athleisure Round Up from DSG

HI YALL! I am so glad you are enjoying the affordable atheleirsure round up as much as I am! I am linking all 3 outfits below in individual pieces so it’s easiest for you to find! Feel free to DM me with any fit questions. So far I would say the bras are TTS or even a smidge smaller since it’s supposed to be a workout fit. The boyfriend shorts and sweatpants are relaxed fit. I am 5 ft 2 inches, an A cup and got xs in everything for reference.

Green Yoga Outfit 1

Mint Shorts Outfit

Neutral Sweat Outfit

DICK'S Sporting Goods Father's Day Shopping

DICK'S Sporting Goods Father's Day Shopping

Laundry Mudroom Makeover with Kohler Lights and Patterned Wood Floors

Laundry Mudroom Makeover with Kohler Lights and Patterned Wood Floors