Mommy and Me Spa Day with Florida Orange Juice — JOYFULLY GREEN


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Mommy and Me Spa Day with Florida Orange Juice

Mommy and Me Spa Day with Florida Orange Juice

Florida Orange Juice Mommy and Me Spa Day Breakfast in bed.jpg

Fall is in the air which means school has been in full swing for the kids. I am not going to lie; I miss Kai as my little sidekick at home. With her spending most of her days at school, I wanted a way to reconnect with a special one-on-one mother/daughter bonding time. Cue an at-home spa day for just us girls! It is so easy to get pampered in the comforts of your own home. Here are 4 easy steps to create a relaxing escape after a long day at school.

1. Unwind with Music – After a long day at school, the best way to unwind is turning on some of our favorite songs which boosts our mood instantly. Some days we dance it out to our favorite tunes, and it immediately cheers us up.

2. Do Something You Both Enjoy – Kai and I love getting our nails done. It has been fun learning to paint our own nails. It is also fun to see what color combinations she would pick out for us both.

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3. Cheers with Some Florida Orange Juice – Make a kid-friendly version of a mimosa with a cold glass of OJ. I love that 100% orange juice provides Vitamin C, potassium, folate, and thiamin which are nutrients that help support a healthy immune system. I also feel good knowing that it has no added sugar. You can find out more about Florida Orange Juice by visiting their site here. Pour some Florida Orange Juice in a fancy cup and pretend you are both at a real spa. Cheers!

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4. Unplug – In a world where technology and screen time is prevalent, taking the time to unplug and really be present is essential. It takes a lot of willpower not to absentmindedly scroll through social, so I like to take my phone and put it in a ‘lock’ box where it’s out of sight, out of mind. Consciously disconnecting to spend time with Kai makes the one-on-one time even more meaningful.

5. Connect – After school, Kai is always asking for a snack, so what better time to enjoy a snack to go along with our fancy Florida OJ kid-friendly mimosa. On a spa day like this, we may indulge by baking some cookies because we know Kai is already getting important nutrients from her Florida OJ.  This is a great time to ask about her school day. I have to be mindful when asking Kai how her day was so that I don’t get the answer, “Good” or “It was fine.” Below are some questions to help discuss their day:

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10 questions to ask your kids besides “How was your day?”

1. What is something kind you did today?
2. Tell me about the best part of your day.
3. Tell me about the worst part of your day.
4. At recess, who did you play with? What did you play?
5. Did you raise your hand in class today?
6. Tell me something new you learned.
7. Were you able to finish all your work today?
8. How were you brave today?
9. What story did your teacher read to you?
10. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

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