Monday Night Tradition - Pizza Night with Papa John — JOYFULLY GREEN


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Monday Night Tradition - Pizza Night with Papa John

Mondays are usually super tough for us. The market is usually crazy for Kevin and my work is full of meetings. That leaves zero time for home made meals and we usually do a pizza night! I was so happy to discover the all-new Ancient Grains Gluten Free Crust at Papa John’s. I'm so excited for a healthier option to make everyone in the family happy! We got a 2 topping Gluten Free Ancient Grains Crust pizza for $9.99.

Of course, Kevin ordered his own version but I was so happy to get a different crust for mine. It was thin, tasty and reminded my of whole grain. There is a slightly sweet flavor to me too! 

To try your own, here is a special coupon:

PROMO CODE for a small 2-Topping Gluten-Free Crust Pizza $9.99 : GLTN2T

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