5 Favorite Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Mama and Baby with Kapuluan Coconut β€” JOYFULLY GREEN


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5 Favorite Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Mama and Baby with Kapuluan Coconut

5 Favorite Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Mama and Baby with Kapuluan Coconut

Finding out I was pregnant with Kai was one of the biggest life changers for our family. It made me look at everyday products from a different perspective. As parents, of course we want the most natural products with all of mother nature's benefits for our babies.

Coconut oil is one of those magical unicorns that helped us get through the first year of Kai's life. There were so many uses that my husband and I used to joke that coconut oil and breast milk was the cure of all things baby related. Needless to say, Kai wore it all the time and gained the appropriate nickname "little macaroon" since she literally smelled like coconut pastries all the time.

Today, I will be sharing with you my top 5 favorite uses for coconut oil. 

Before we proceed, I'd like to share with you my coconut oil of choice. I discovered Kapuluan Coconut Oil and fell in love. Kapuluan Coconut Oil is made from the freshest coconuts, sources from organic farms in the Philippines. It is cold pressed, not heat processed to maintain the highest product integrity. It is simply the purest, freshest coconut oil and I can feel a difference. The way it absorbs into my skin is like no other! My favorite part, Kapuluan plants a coconut palm to assist coconut farmers in the Philippines every time they sell a coconut oil. I am happy to support a small company on a mission to give back!

kapuluan coconut oil baby uses

1. Pregnancy Skin Hydration

Itchy skin and stretch marks came with the territory of pregnancy. My hips and belly were constantly thirsty.  Coconut oil is easy to apply and I love the way it made my skin feel!

2. Cradle Cap

Kai had a really bad case of cradle cap as an infant. Our pediatrician told us it was basically dandruff clogging her pores and causing a rash on her face and chest. We drenched her hair in coconut oil and used a soft bristle infant brush to brush away all the dead skin. We also used coconut oil after to condition her scalp!

3. Baby Massage Oil with Lavender Essential Oil

Every night, I use a dab of coconut oil and add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to make a sleepy time massage oil. I apply it in a circular motion on the bottom of Kai's heels.

4. Sooth Cracked Lips

When Kai is sick, her lips get really chapped. It peels and looks very painful. I use coconut oil to apply as frequently as she allows me to. I love that I don't need to worry about her possibly ingesting any of it since it's all good for her!

5. Time to Make another Baby?

This may be the least talked about way to enjoy coconut oil for mommy and daddy but I love using a plant based, organic alternative. Give it a try next time ;)

Hope you've found this useful! Tell me your favorite way to use coconut oil!



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