4 Ways to Feel More Connected at Bed Time With Toddler — JOYFULLY GREEN


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4 Ways to Feel More Connected at Bed Time With Toddler

4 Ways to Feel More Connected at Bed Time With Toddler

Our family’s bedtime routine is something we look forward to all day long! As a full time working mom, it’s crazy hectic the minute I set foot in the door. Between errands, dinner and playtime, I cannot wait to get all those chores done so we can wind down as a family. For us, the bedtime routine is sacred. Here are a few tips that helped us feel more connected and make the most out of our nightly time together.

1. Unplug whenever possible

For us, family time/nightly bedtime routines start at dinner. It’s easy for me to put on a movie and entertain Kai while I cook but I found unplugging and getting her involved in the process to be much more rewarding. Kai has specific tasks that she enjoys. It is her job to sprinkle in seasonings. She also helps “wash” vegetables aka play around the sink. At the end of the meal, she helps me load the dishwasher. She feels an immense amount of pride in helping us prepare the meal.

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Joyfullygreen The Company Store Legends Sterling Bath Towels Cat Lady.jpg

2. Connect with music

Our favorite family time after dinner is the dance party. The whole family gets comfy cozy in our robes and we dance to oldies or classic rock. I am a sucker for monograms and The Company Store carries, hands down, my favorite robe styles. Kevin and I both wear the Regal Egyptian Cotton Unisex Robe. Kai has a coordinating pink kids robe (Company Cotton™ Kids Robe). Kai loves it when we join hands with our dog and cat too. It’s a wild, loud circus and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Her newest thing is to spin until she falls. It’s hilarious to watch and seriously the best part of my day.

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Joyfullygreen The Company Store Unisex White Fluffy Robe Monogramed Mother's Day Father's Day Gift Idea. Wall paper nursery inspiration puppy.jpg

3. Make bath-time fun

After 1, Kai developed an aversion to washing her hair. In case anyone else has a baby who hates water touching their head, this little activity saved our bath time. My biggest challenge was to get her to look up while rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. Now it’s a 2-person job. Kevin blows bubbles into the bath, which intrigues her and makes her look up. I am then able to rinse her hair with no issues! Magic ha! She loves to be wrapped in a big fluffy towel after her bath (who doesn’t). Our classic go to is the Company Store Legends Collection. Both the Legends® Sterling Hand Towel, 16 x 30" and Legends® Sterling Bath Towel, 30 x 56" are tried true staples in our house! Our bathmats are also from the Legends Sterling collection. The Legends® Sterling Bath Rug is some of the softest yet durable I have ever owned.

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Joyfullygreen The Company Store Unisex White Fluffy Robe Monogramed Mother's Day Gift Idea. Wall paper nursery inspirati.jpg

4. Find time for snuggles

This last step is really for me. I have rocked Kai in the same chair through 1.5 years of nursing since the night she came home from the hospital. It’s an incredibly tender time for our family. As she grows into toddlerhood, I can feel her wiggling more and more each night. I try to savor these moments in our PJs in the rocking chair since they are truly limited. We end the night with a book and song.  We always sing “You Are My Sunshine” ever since Kai’s first night home. This is probably my favorite moment of the whole day because I get to hold her and rock her just like when she was a newborn. My Solid Poplin Nightshirt is super nursing friendly. The material is lightweight and the length hits me perfectly around the knee. I cannot wait to wear it for late night feedings when we have a second baby.

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Bedtime holds such a special place in my heart. As our family grows, I hope to continue these heartwarming moments to years to come. When Kai is grown, I hope she speaks of these moments with joy and love as I know I will.

A big thank you to The Company Store for being a part of our family’s bedtime stories. From robes to bathmats, their soft, high quality threads make our whole family feel snuggly and warm. I know we will cherish these special feelings for generations to come.

The Company Store rounded up touching stories from amazing moms on social media to share their unique bedtime stories. Check out this link to read more from some of my role models on social (our feature is here). Don’t forget to share your personal bedtime stories on my Instagram post! I’d love to hear from you!

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Joyfullygreen The Company Store Unisex White Fluffy Robe Monogramed Mother's Day Gift Idea.jpg
Joyfullygreen The Company Store Unisex White Fluffy Robe Monogramed Mother's Day Gift Idea. Wall paper nursery inspiration.jpg



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