3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut health on the go — JOYFULLY GREEN


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3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut health on the go

3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut health on the go

No one told me that toddler mom life was going to be this hectic. Days at the park turns into rushed dinners and race for bedtime. Sometime us moms are so busy taking care our little ones we neglect to take care of ourselves. Sure, we eat chicken nugget left overs and chug coffee by the gallon and then wonder, why is my tummy so upset. Turning your digestive health around may be simpler thank you think. Today I am sharing 3 easy tips to improve your gut health while on the go.

3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go

1. You are what you eat! Cut back on sugar and up the fiber and fermented foods

What do kefir, kombucha kimchi have in common? They are all fermented foods! That’s right, it’s not just yogurt! When I think of fermented foods, I had no idea it would include all these delicious options rich in texture. We add kefir to our smoothies in place of milk to give it an extra rich taste while upping our fruit and veggie intake at the same time. Grabbing a kombucha on the go is so great for your digestive health as well. Sugar on the other hand feeds the bad bacteria in your gut and can cause it to grow and spread. So, mamas, next time you are grabbing an OJ filled with sugar for the car pool line, swap it for a kombucha instead! Fermented veggies like kimchi and sauerkraut are my new addiction. Not only are they flavorful and rich in texture, they can be used to jazz up any stir fry or sandwich! I make a mean kimchi turkey lettuce wrap! 

3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go mommy and me outfit joyfullygreen
3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go

2.Take a probiotic-derived supplement like Viactiv® Digestive Health.

Adding a probiotic-derived supplement to my daily routine helps me feel more regular and light. When I tried other live probiotics in the past, my biggest complaint was the need for refrigeration. It made traveling even more difficult. When I heard about Viactiv Digestive Health, I knew I had to try it! I already love their calcium chews and have trust them for years.

The Viactiv Digestive Health is a probiotic-derived supplement that helps reduce occasional digestive upset and boost your gut health. It contains 10 billion cells of Lactobacillus LB Fermentate and 1 gram of prebiotic fiber. It works to promote healthy gut bacterial and inhibit growth of bad bacteria. The Viactiv Digestive Health dark chocolate chews are unique because of the heat stabilized properties to allow for easy portability. I have learned that I be will more likely take vitamins and probiotic-derived supplements if it’s readily available. Especially because the dark chocolate chews are individually wrapped, I can stick them in my purse and take them where life (or Kai) demands these days. I also love the rich dark chocolate flavor! It’s like having a treat that is actually good for your body.  They say taking care of your gut never tasted so good and they weren’t lying! Want to try for yourself? Order on Amazon here or check your local Rite Aid.   Join Viactiv on Facebook for giveaways and exclusive offers https://www.facebook.com/viactiv  

3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go
3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go

3. Practice mindfulness and meditation on the go

We all know stress can be detrimental to our overall health. In my family, whenever we are too stressed, our stomach will have a way of telling us. I think practicing mindfulness and meditation is a great way to clear your head, destress, and become more intentional during the day. I like to take 5-10 minutes of quite time throughout the work day in a place I find peaceful to practice. It might be in the car, on a park bench or in my pantry (ha!). I call these my adult time outs. Regulating my breathing and clearing my mind helps me destress and slow down.

3 Easy Ways to Improve your gut and digestive health on the go

For more information on Viactiv Digestive Health please visit https://viactiv.com/digestive-health/dark-chocolate-chews/

How do you take care of your gut health?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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