My Postpartum Fitness Journey with BodyBoss 12-Week Fitness Guide β€” JOYFULLY GREEN


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My Postpartum Fitness Journey with BodyBoss 12-Week Fitness Guide

My Postpartum Fitness Journey with BodyBoss 12-Week Fitness Guide

I hate to admit this but few moments after I found out I was pregnant with Kai, I was painfully aware that my body would never be the same. Don’t get me wrong, pregnancy and motherhood is one of the most beautiful yet humbling experiences. My body created a human being and carried and nurtured her for 9 months. I will forever be thankful to my body for a healthy happy baby. With that said, it’s absolutely undeniable that a part of my identity was tied to the idea of bouncing back to a pre-baby weight and body.

Fast forward to now, Kai is 18 months old. I breastfed her until 16 months and was able to maintain close to my pre-baby weight. Right after Kai self-weaned, I noticed another change in my body. I felt softer than I ever have before and had a lot of trouble keeping the pounds off. I decided then, it was time to do something about my postpartum mom bod. However, my object has changed from just a number on a scale to becoming truly a strong and healthy example for my daughter. Raising a little girl comes with the responsibility of teaching her the importance of positive body image. I want Kai to grow up to see mom exercising to lead a healthier lifestyle instead of worrying what dress size she is. My goal at the end of this journey was to feel stronger, establish a routine and be a role model for Kai.

Once I decided to take the leap, it was time to find an exercise program that would fit into my busy schedule. As a full time working mom, some days, I barely had the time to shower. I needed a program that was quick, effective and kept my attention. When I discovered BodyBoss, I thought β€œokay, I can do this!”. Bodyboss is a 12-week high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise program designed for busy women (THAT’S EVERY MOM!) to complete in under 24 minutes. The exercises within this circuit are laid out to achieve max performance and fat burn. It is broken down into 4 cycles of 3 weeks, 3 days a week, increasing intensity with each cycle.

My favorite part about the BodyBoss program is that it’s so portable. It comes with a guide that I can easy fit into my purse to follow along whether I am at home or in the park. I liked that I didn’t need to be glued to a DVD box to get my routines done. It is extra helpful because I no long had an excuse of β€œwell, I don’t have a TV so I guess I can’t work out”. This nifty guide can also be ordered in an online edition so it’s even more accessible!

To start the program, I didn’t need any fancy gym equipment or memberships. Just me, my yoga mat, some free weights (optional) and 24 minutes of spare time did the trick! Since I have not worked out in over a year, I knew I had to somehow prepare my body. Luckily, the BodyBoss program came with a bonus 4-week pre-training fitness guide to get my body into the work out mode! This also really helped me build my strength and confidence. As I completed each pre-training exercise, I became more and more proud of just how much I could achieve in 24 minutes!

It has been exactly 3 weeks since I started the BodyBoss program. My usual time to work out is in the early mornings, before Kai wakes up. Finding the time to dedicate 24 minutes to myself became a priority and a part of my routine. I am happy to report I feel better, have more energy and can even do twice the pushups than I was able to do before. Waking up and dedicating the time to work out puts me in the best mood for the rest of the day. I would certainly recommend the BodyBoss program to any busy woman and fellow mama! I cannot wait to see more results in the coming weeks and to truly feel the #BossEffect!

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