3 Easy Ways to Keep the Healthy-Eating New Year’s Resolution with Taylor Farms — JOYFULLY GREEN


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3 Easy Ways to Keep the Healthy-Eating New Year’s Resolution with Taylor Farms

3 Easy Ways to Keep the Healthy-Eating New Year’s Resolution with Taylor Farms

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2018? For as long as I can remember, eating healthier has been on the top of my list but how does a toddler work into the equation? Kai is a notoriously picky eater. She loves to nibble and snack but never eats a full serving of veggies in one sitting. She also constantly asks for chips and cookies, which always results in a tantrum. We decided to change things up and make a few simple swaps to help us keep the toddler happy and achieve our resolution for 2018. Today, I am sharing 3 simple hacks that worked for us along with my favorite new smoothie recipe packed with fruits and veggies!

1. Get the kids involved

Turn meal times into a fun family activity and get the kids involved! You may think 2 is too young but Kai started “cooking” with us even before she was able to walk. At her age, she is perfectly capable of helping prepare for a meal. Certain tasks are her specialty, such as washing veggies or fruits, throwing them in a pot or pan and holding unused utensils (with parent supervision of course). Our favorite morning routine is to make a super food smoothie together. She helps me wash the ingredients and puts them in the blender one by one. This teaches her processes as well as patience. She feels a lot pride in creating something from scratch. We also serve the finished result to daddy which she loves to do and teaches her about kindness and doing things for others.

I swear by this Antioxidant Green Berry Smoothie recipe. I use a large serving of TAYLOR FARMS ORGANIC WELLNESS BLEND. It’s packed with spinach, mizuna, chard, and kale and super high in Vitamins K, C, and A. I use TAYLOR FARMS ORGANIC WELLNESS BLEND in a lot of my smoothie recipes because it compliments the berry elements like a dream. The taste is refreshing yet toddler approved. TAYLOR FARMS ORGANIC WELLNESS BLEND is washed and ready to use plus a good source of calcium & magnesium, which a growing toddler body needs! See below for the recipe in our video:

Taylor farms organic anti oxidant green kids smoothie recipe
Taylor farms organic anti oxidant green kids smoothie recipe

Antioxidant Green Berry Smoothie


  • 1 cup Taylor Farms Wellness Blend
  • 1 cup mixed blue berries and raspberries
  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
  • ½ cup fresh orange juice
  • ½ cup greek yogurt
  • ½ cup milk
  • 6 -10 ice cubes


Wash and put all ingredients in blender. Blend on high for 35-60 seconds or until smooth. Serving size 2


Taylor farms organic anti oxidant green kids smoothie recipe
Taylor farms organic anti oxidant green kids smoothie recipe

2. Ready to eat = more likely to eat

Ever bought a massive head of cauliflower just to watch it go bad in the fridge? I have. Almost every week. As working parents and eternally hopeful humans, we always set out with the best intensions of making home cooked meals every day just to settle on whatever we have time for in the moment. Prewashed, pre-cut veggies are a life saver! Taylor Farms has ample options to make the life of a busy millennial parent easier! Hubby and I love their line of single serve salad bowls and chopped salad kits. I swear I craved Organic Asian Ginger Chopped Salad for every meal when I was pregnant! Especially for lunch, this is our go to! Just add sliced chicken breast or seared tuna for a healthy protein and vitamin packed power meal! I cannot get enough of the Kale Chopped Salad Kit right now! We can make it in under 3 minute and it’s packed with yummy kale, shaved Brussels sprouts (my favorite part), and radicchio with Asiago cheese. Top it with the herb crouton crumble included and finish off with lemon vinaigrette. It’s heavenly and even Kai loves it too! Watch our video to see how easy the kit is to make!

Taylor farms organic anti oxidant green kids smoothie recipe

3. Snack Smarter

Kids and adult alike will eat what’s in sight. A snack drawer detox helps to get good in and take bad out! Replace chips with crunchy, satisfying veggies like baby carrots for a colorful experience. Replace cookies with dipped pretzels or crispy apples for a sweet sensation. I love having Taylor Farms Snack Trays in our fridge at all times. There are 8 varieties, each filled with the freshest veggies like snap peas, celery, carrots and tomatoes. The kits also include almonds, apples, cheese or pretzels to round out the flavor experience. The Ranch dips makes snacking fun for toddlers and is Kai’s favorite activity.


No matter the time of year, it is never too late to make simple changes for a healthier life! I hope these 3 hacks will help get your creative juices flowing. I know they will make any toddler happy and teach them better habits along the way! Check out the whole line of Taylor Farms fresh, accessible options that made our lives easier! Click here to find their products near you!


Happy New Year!





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