Our Fur Babies’ Adoption Story — JOYFULLY GREEN


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Our Fur Babies’ Adoption Story

Our Fur Babies’ Adoption Story

This post is sponsored by Swiffer but all opinions are my own

March 23rd 2015 is the day we officially became a family. Kevin and I both grew up in families with pets. I have been a proud cat lady for as long as I can remember. Seriously, if I get within 20 feet of a kitten, I kind of start to lose it. We always knew we wanted to adopt a dog and a cat once we got married. The timing of everything was very unexpected. I remember it like it was yesterday. Kevin and I had just returned from ski trip from Jackson Hole where we met the sweetest puppy. We both thought, okay, we’ve had a full year of married life now, let’s add to the family! We sat down and must have looked through hundreds of pages of adoptable pets from numerous shelters. After months of searching, we laid eyes on Olie. We instantly felt a connection. He was a blurb of tan fur with big, puppy dog eyes and floppy long ears with a curl at the tip. We made several visits to his incredibly kind foster family and knew he was going to become our baby. I cried on the drive home the day he came home with us while resting safely in my arms. His sweet demeanor, his unwavering loyalty and his baby looks totally overwhelmed me with emotions.

Mini Golden Retriver Mutt Mix Cute Sleeping Puppy
munchkin cat minuet kitten with puppy cat and dog friends

Funny to think we would go through this process again just 2 short weeks later. I have been searching for a long hair, white coated cat for over a year. My very first cat in China had similar features that I just couldn’t forget. I remember the first photo I saw of Atlas. He was to tiny and weak looking. He was still cross-eyed and had fur that stuck up as straight as a pin. We drove 8 hours round trip to Dallas within 24 hours of knowing he was available for adoption. We wanted both the dog and the cat to get along from the beginning. Adopting both within 1 month of each other was our solution.

Photo May 23, 12 31 22 AM.jpg

Seeing the fur balls that Olie and Atlas grew into, people often ask us what it is like taking care of 2 long hair animals. Funny story, I am actually allergic to cats. The long hair breed was not something we sought after. We just happen to fall in love with these crazy two and their fur kept on growing and growing. Regardless of long or short coat, managing pet hair should never deter you from completing your family.

swiffer shed happens munchkin cat minuet cat

#Shedhappens is likely the funniest and truest statement. We have been using Swiffer products for the last 3 years to keep pet messes in check. We keep  Swiffer Dusters on both stories of our home. Our family spends a lot of time in the play room and living room. The giant window ledges and shelves are where the hair and dander like to hang out. The Swiffer Dusters can also fit into so many tight spaces like our blinds and bookshelves. Kai is now getting very interested in chores. Helping me use the duster is one of her favorite tasks.

white persian cat

Another game changer for us is using the Swiffer Sweeper in between vacuuming. The dry cloth traps and locks dirt and fur like a dream. The wet cloth is great for cleaning up grimier messes like when Atlas leaves us a present, aka coughs up a fur ball. The cloths are easy to switch out. The Swiffer Sweeper is also super light and easy to maneuver. The combination of the Dusters and Sweeper really helps us get the hair issue under control.

ballon garland cleaning
how to clean pet fur and dust with swiffer

Pick up yours in the Target Cartwheel app for $2 off thru June 2, 2018 .if you are thinking about adding to the family. It was the best decision we have ever made. Adopting Atlas and Olie taught us the meaning of family, friendship and to care for another living being. I will always cherish the hilarious moments we get to spend together.

swiffer duster review with pets
swiffer duster review
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