Trolls Inspired Rainbow Glitter Disco Kids Backyard Birthday Party — JOYFULLY GREEN


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Trolls Inspired Rainbow Glitter Disco Kids Backyard Birthday Party

Trolls Inspired Rainbow Glitter Disco Kids Backyard Birthday Party

This story is about a little girl named Kai. She loved to sing and dance, and hug.. and sing and dance and hug.. and sing and dance and hug! Kai has been asking for a Troll’s birthday party for months! If you know Kai, she loves music and dancing! One of our favorite morning routine is to do a mini dance party. I knew I had to incorporate this as part of her party. What better way to do it than to throw the ultimate disco glitter dance party!!  I had a vision for the party but needed some help to make it come to fruition. In step Unveiled Bliss. These ladies were INCREDIBLY amazing to work with and so talented. They really made our Troll’s glitter disco party come true! I highly recommend them for your future party needs!

We wanted a casual picnic feel so we had Fancy Picnics help with our table set up. I absolutely love how it’s all set up at the kid’s level! The florals by Jacki Trejo added a touch of whimsical to the magical party! She has such a boho, organic touch to florals that just tied the theme so well together!

A party isn’t complete without a dramatic balloon backdrop!  I have been using Glamfetti for years and she truly is the best! Her balloon garlands never disappoint, and the balloon arch was a gorgeous focal point at the table. She also made a beautiful set up right behind the welcome sign made by Yellow Rose Calligraphy. The balloons and sign were the perfect way to greet our guests!

Designs by Yutz created the fun backdrop for our cake display including the marquee letters that spelled out Kai’s name! The cake was made by the super talented Wink by Erica! I could not have asked for a better cake! 

Trying to keep kids entertained at a birthday party is always a task in of itself. Wonderland Soft Play was perfect for the age range of kids we had attending the party. They came to set up the play area and take it apart. It was a big hit!

Trolls Inspired Rainbow Glitter Kids Backyard Birthday Party Balloon decoration

Another area we had for the kid’s to keep them active was a play-dough sensory station. We purchased the kits from Young Wild and Friedman

Poppy’s hair reminds me so much of cotton candy so I knew we had to have some at the party! Twirl Cotton Candy has THE most darling little cart and was absolutely delicious! 

Waikiki Refreshing Bar had the cutest kid-friendly bar! They made fun drinks such as pink lemonade with cotton candy on top! Each kid also got to enjoy a yummy Troll cookie made by Sweets by Shirls that was set on top of Ellie and Piper paper plates that fit our theme!

When Poppy from Truly Enchanting Entertainment came in, Kai’s eyes lit up! Her reaction was everything I dreamed it would be! She stayed in character and interacted with all the kids. It truly was wonderful for Kai and all the guests!

I cannot thank Violet Martinez Photo for capturing all the beautiful details and moments at the party. 


Planner - Unveiled Bliss @unveiledbliss

Photographer - Violet Martinez Photo @violetmartinezphoto

Cake - Wink by Erica @winkbywerica

Balloons - Glamfetti @glamfettico

Florals - Jacki Trejo @jackietrejofloraldesign

Play Area - Wonderland Soft Play @wonderlandsoftplay

Picnics - Fancy Picnics @fancypicnics

Cookies - Sweets by Shirls @sweetsbyshirls

Kid-Friendly Bar - Waikiki Refreshing Spot @waikikirefreshingbar

Marquee Letters/ Backdrop - Designs by Yutz @designsbyyutz

Cotton Candy - Twirl @twirlcottoncandy

Painted Acrylic Welcome Sign - Yellow Rose Calligraphy @yellowrosecalligraphy

Character - Truly Enchanting Entertainment @trulyenchantingentertainment

Activity Set - Young Wild and Friedman @youngwildandfriedman

Plates and Napkins - ellie and piper @ellieandpiperco

Linens - Chair Covers N More In @chaircoversnmoreinc

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