Weekend Confetti Recap with Rainbow Carter's Toddler Summer Outfits — JOYFULLY GREEN


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Weekend Confetti Recap with Rainbow Carter's Toddler Summer Outfits

Weekend Confetti Recap with Rainbow Carter's Toddler Summer Outfits

This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own

Before we had children, I thought as parents, we get to shape our kids’ personality and teach them life lessons. After Kai was born, I quickly realized just the opposite was true. Our babies are who they are from the start. Our job is to accept them and help them blossom into who they are meant to be. Kai has always been on the more cautious side as opposed to Kevin and me. She is a little slow to warm up but as soon as she opens up, her little hilarious and captivating personality totally takes over. It’s our goal as we navigate toddlerhood together to show her many new experiences to really open her world!

Carter's rainbow unicorn dress confetti montrose studios joyfullygreen

Over the weekend, we decided to visit her first confetti fun house together at the Montrose Studios in Houston. There are different rooms with unique themes, each colorfully designed and totally interactive. There are balloons, unicorns and confetti galore for her to explore. I also wanted to snap some action shots of daddy and daughter moments. When Kai saw the color space and heard her favorite tunes, she started giggly and wanting Kevin to spin and dance with her. I love watching her twirling to her own tunes in her Carter’s dress and dragging daddy’s hand to get him involved. This sweet moment totally reminded me of what’s to come on her wedding day. Okay, okay, I’ll stop before I become an emotional mess.

Carter’s is our go –to destination for every milestone, just like this fun family date. Kai has surpassed so many important stages wearing her Carter’s outfits. From PJs when she first slept in her crib to swimsuits for her first dip, Carter’s was there at every step. I love the fun designs without breaking the bank. We found her Carter’s Rainbow Striped Poplin Dress and I immediately fell in love. The fabric is so soft and light, perfect for summer/ spring fun! Kai even grabbed some hilarious sunglasses to dress them up. The Carter's Rainbow Light Up Toddler Sandals were a huge hit too! Her little sense of self is really bubbling over!

Moving on to the unicorn room. Oh my, this was probably her favorite. There were balloons from floor to ceiling and a giant unicorn piñata to match. We put on her Rainbow One-Piece Toddler Swimsuit and had a ball throwing around the confetti pieces. She picked up every colorful balloon she could find as if they were treasures. I can’t wait to take this colorful rainbow swimsuit out for a spin at the pool in a few weeks!

All in all, it was a day for the books. I get so emotional thinking about the young lady she is going to become one day but we still have many milestones to surpass before that day comes. I just must remember to savor these tender moments forever.

If you want to see a super sweet video about parenthood and heartwarming baby milestones, check out Carter’s With You From the Start page.

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