DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October — JOYFULLY GREEN


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DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October

DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October

Thank you Stage for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it has a special meaning in my heart. My parents have dedicated their lives and careers to breast cancer research. Special research projects to find a cure for the cancer brought our family out of China, to study in Germany and finally to America. That’s why it means so much more when Stage asked us to spread awareness for its #ipinkican project to raise money for Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF). In a sense, since a very young age, my life has been directly impacted by this. I have seen first hand the excited look on my dad’s face when he’s finally found breakthrough to identity or approach the cancer in his research. I have seen both my mom and dad spend countless hours in the lab, running one experiment after another to discover the newest approach. I know how much GOOD the money raised through these initiatives can do and how much passion is behind the researchers longing for a cure.  All month long, Stage is turning October into Pink October with 2 main ways to get involved and everyone can join! The easiest way from anywhere to support BCRF is by posting a photo on your Instagram feed using the hashtag #ipinkican. Stage will donate $1.00 for every post made to support Breast Cancer Research Foundation (up to $35,000). You can also shop in stores and pick up so many fabulous goodies where 50% of the purchase price from the sales of these items going to BCRF. We found THE fluffiest pink robes, pink water bottles and super stylish scarves that can be worn multiple ways to show your support. 

DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October pink Balloon Garland Party

Kai and I were so inspired by this initiative, we decided to style a macaron stand you could host in your neighborhood to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research! With the help of Glamfetti (who provided the pink DIY balloon garland and tassels) and Bombshell Macarons who donated their delicious cookies, we set up an eye catching stand all the neighbors can spot from a mile away! You can even see some on the boobie macaroon inspirations in all different skin tones. She also made “glitter” pink ribbons to bring the fun to the cookie/ macaron cart! The dessert cart/ cookie stand was made by Easy like Sunday Morning.


Both Kai and I are all decked out in pink outfits from Stage. My dress and hers are so affordable, great quality and super stylish. I am SO in love with this flutter pink dress and pairing it with Kai’s pink star print dress. Stage had so many great pink hued options in stores too, find the location closest to you here!

Creating opportunities for our kids to get involved and understand that helping others is how we are going to make an even bigger impact! I hope this cookie/macaroon cart helps inspire you to make one in your neighborhood! Don’t forget to tag your photo with #ipinkican to help donate to BCRF! Learn more about Stage’s Pink October initiative here!

It’s easy to get involved at your local Stage Store or online: 

  • Online: From October 1-31, show your support for BCRF simply by posting a photo on your Instagram feed using the hashtag #ipinkican and Stage will donate $1.00 to support Breast Cancer Research Foundation (up to $35,000). 

  • In-store: Various events and opportunities to take part, including sales of select “Pink” items with 50% of the purchase price from the sales of these items going to BCRF. 

You can find out more information about Pink October at

Special thanks for all the creative women who made this post happen!

  • Balloon Garland: Glamfetti

  • Dessert Stand: Easy Like Sunday Morning

  • Macarons: Bombshell Macarons

  • Photography: Arzu Vargas Photography

DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October pink Balloon Garland Party Boobie Macaron
DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October pink Balloon Garland Party Boobie Macaron
DIY Pink Macaron Cookie Stand - Stage Pink October pink Balloon Garland Party Boobie Macaron
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